@article{20329, note = {Contents : 1. Introduction: 2. The search process : Online; CD-ROM; 3. Online or CD-ROM? Choosing online hosts; Choosing CD-ROM publishers; 4. Telecommunications; 5. Costs and charging : Online; CD-ROM; 6. Equipment and communications software - online; 7. Equipment and software - CD-ROM; 8. Networking CD-ROM drives; 9. Downloading and post-processing; 10. Copyright; 11. Glossary; 12. Sources of further advice; 13. Reference sources;.}, author = {Bradley, Phil, and Bradley, Phil. and Hanson, Terry,}, url = {http://tind.wipo.int/record/20329}, title = {Going online and CD-ROM /}, abstract = {The search process; Online CD-ROM; Telecommunications; Costs and charging; Equiipment and communications software - online; Equipment and communications software - online; Equipment and software - CD-ROM; Networking CD-ROM drives; Donwnloading and post-processing; Copyrught; Sources of further advice.}, recid = {20329}, pages = {v, 122 pages ;}, }