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Unfair advertising and comparative advertising : proceedings of the fifth European Workshop on Consumer Law held in Louvain-la-Neuve on September 25 and 26, 1986 = Publicité déloyale et publicité comparative : actes du cinquième Séminaire Européen de Droit de la Consommation tenu à Louvain-la-Neuve les 25 et 26 septembre 1986 / Eric Balate (ed.).
M 356 BAL.U
Available at WIPO Library
Unfair advertising and comparative advertising : proceedings of the fifth European Workshop on Consumer Law held in Louvain-la-Neuve on September 25 and 26, 1986 = Publicité déloyale et publicité comparative : actes du cinquième Séminaire Européen de Droit de la Consommation tenu à Louvain-la-Neuve les 25 et 26 septembre 1986 / Eric Balate (ed.).
xii, 297 pages ; 25 cm.
9789064394881 paperback
9789064394881 paperback
Alternate Call Number
M 356 BAL.U
English and French, with summaries in both languages.
Proceedings of the 5th European Workshop on Consumer Law held in Louvain-la-Neuve on September 25th and 26th, 1986.
Proceedings of the 5th European Workshop on Consumer Law held in Louvain-la-Neuve on September 25th and 26th, 1986.
Formatted Contents Note
= Table des matie?res : 1. The legal concept of unfairness and advertising = Le concept de deloyaute? et le droit de la publicite? : A. Theoretical background = Cadre the?orique; HARLAND, David J. The legal concept of unfairness and the economic and social environment : fair trade, market law and the consumer interest; BERNITZ, Ulf. The legal concept of unfairness and the economic and social environment : fair trade, market law and the consumer interest; B. National law studies = Etudes de droit national : LAWSON, Richard. The legal control of unfair advertising in the United Kingdom; CALAIS-AULOY, Jean. Le contro?le de la publicite? de?loyale en France; TONNER, Klaus. The legal control of unfair advertising in the Federal Republic of Germany; STUYCK, Jules. The legal control of unfair advertising in Belgium; 2. Comparative adversiting = La publicitie? comparative : A. Theoretical background = Cadre the?orique : FRANCQ, Bernard. Le statut de la publicite? comparative dans les pays de la CEE. : Etude sommaire de droit compare?; BODDEWYN, Jean J. Comparison advertising : advantages and disadvantages for consumers, competitors, media, industry and the marketplace; B. Comments : Commentaries : WIN P DE. Commentaires sur les contributions de Francq et de Boddewyn; MITCHELL, Jeremy. Comments on Francq's and Boddewyn's contributions; DARMAILLACQ, Le?on. Commentaires sur les contributions de Francq et de Boddewyn; 3. The regulation of unfair adversiting and of comparative advertising at the EEC level = La re?glementation de la publicite? de?loyale et de la publicite? comparative au niveau de la communaute? e?conomique europe?enne : A. Theoretical background = Cadre the?orique : HENNING-BODEWIG, Frank. History, features and prospects of the Commission's proposal for a directive on unfair and comparative advertising; BENOLIEL, Isabelle. La publicite? te?le?vise?e : nouveaux de?fis et normes nouvelles; B. Comments = Commentaires : DASTOT, Jean-Claude. Commentaires sur les contributions de Henning-Bodewig et Be?noliel; MURRAY, Jim. Comments on Henning-Bodewig's and Be?noliel's contributions; SCHMITZ, Bob. Commentaires sur les contributions de Henning- Bodewig et Be?noliel; BOURGOIGNIE, Thierry. La publicite? de?loyale et la publicite? comparative : jalons d'une re?flexion;.
Collection Droit et consommation ; 17.
Bruxelles : Story-Scientia, 1988.
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