\def\WIPO{World Intellectual Property Organisation}
WIPO Worldwide Symposium on the Impact of Digital Technology on Copyright and Neighboring Rights : Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States of America, March 31 to April 2, 1993.
E 2384N71123 WIPO.W
Available at WIPO Library
WIPO Worldwide Symposium on the Impact of Digital Technology on Copyright and Neighboring Rights : Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States of America, March 31 to April 2, 1993.
vi, 262 pages : illustrations ; 30 cm.
Alternate Call Number
E 2384N71123 WIPO.W
Formatted Contents Note
Opening address : Dr. Arpad Bogsch, Director General of WIPO; Welcoming remarks : OMAN, Ralph. Reflections on digital technology : the shape of things to come; Welcoming remarks : CLARK, Robert C. 1. Concept and general overview of digital technology : BARON, David. Digital technology and the implications for intellectual property; GOLDBERG, Morton David. Copyright and technology : the analog, the digital and the analogy; 2. Impact of digital technology on the creation, dissemination and protection of works and subjects of neighboring rights (publishing, information networks, libraries) : CLARK, Charles. The publisher in the electronic age : the licensing of rights; BAUMGARTEN, Jon A. Digital use of scientific and technical information; ELLIS, William W. Alternative futures for science and technology; BHOJWANI, Ashok. Digital recording technologies and intellectual property : promises and pitfalls for development; 3. Impact of digital technology on the creation, dissemination and protection of works and subjects of neighboring rights (audiovisual works, sound recordings, broadcasting) : BERMAN, Jason S. The music industry and technological development : are we winning the war? GARNETT, Nicholas. The music industry, electronic delivery and copyright; HADL, Robert D. Digital technology : a critical crossroad in international copyright; YORK, Bruce A. Digital technology, sound recordings, and the protection of performers; 4. Digital technology and the administration of copyright and neighboring rights : KITAGAWA, Zentaro. Copymart : a new concept : an application of digital technology to the collective management of copyright; MESSINGER, Gloria. The challenges of collective administration in the world of digital technology; GYERTYANFY, Pe?ter. Conflicts and changes : the new technologies in the protection and administration of copyright; GUEDON, Laurence. International identification of computer programs and information technology products; 5. Conclusions : copyright, neighboring rights and digital technology : new dimensions for creation, dissemination and protection; DREIER, Thomas K. Copyright digitized : philosophical impacts and practical implications for information exchange in digital networks; GELLER, Paul Edward. The universal electronic archive : issues in international copyright; LANGE, Andre?. The impact of digital technologies on the author's right and neighboring rights; Summary address : MILLER, Arthur R. Copyright and digital technology : continuity and progress;.
WIPO publication ; no. 723.
Geneva : World Intellectual Property Organization, 1993.
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