@article{20099, recid = {20099}, title = {Intellectual property rights : U.S. companies' patent experiences in Japan /}, pages = {95 pages ;}, note = {Free of charge; Supplier : U.S. General Accounting Office, Washington; Report to the Honorable John.D. Rockefeller IV and the Honorable Dennis DeConcini, U.S. Senate; Contents: 1. Introduction; 2. U.S. firms' experiences in obtaining patents in Japan; 3. Causes for U.S. companies' patent problems in Japan and recent changes in the Japanese Patent System; 4. Patent practices of U.S. firms can affect their patent experience in Japan; 5. U.S. firms' experience in enforcing patents in Japan; 6. Progress in working toward international patent harmonization; Appendixes; Glossary; Tables; Figures;.}, url = {http://tind.wipo.int/record/20099}, }