\def\WIPO{World Intellectual Property Organisation}
Results and methods of economic patent research : proceedings of the 1st EPO-ifo-Workshop on March 19-20, 1992 at the European Patent Office = Ergebnisse und Methoden der Oekonomischen Patentforschung : Vortrèage* / European Patent Office (epo).
G 941 EPO.R 1993
Available at WIPO Library
Results and methods of economic patent research : proceedings of the 1st EPO-ifo-Workshop on March 19-20, 1992 at the European Patent Office = Ergebnisse und Methoden der Oekonomischen Patentforschung : Vortrèage* / European Patent Office (epo).
1 volume (various paging) ; [28] cm
Alternate Call Number
G 941 EPO.R 1993
*und Diskussionsbeitra?ge des 1. EPA-ifo-Workshops am 19.-20. Ma?rz 1992 im Europa?ischen Patentamt* Contents ; Welcome address : Paul Braendli, President of the European Patent Office; Welcome address : Karl Heinrich Oppenla?nder, President of the ifo Institute for Economic Research; Opening speech : Karl Heinrich Oppenla?nder : National and supranational patent systems as an object for economic research : on the aims and open questions in current patent research; Presentation of the European Patent System : Paul Braendli; 1. Interpenetrations between innovations and patents : SCHERER, Frederic M. Research on patents and the economy : the State of Art; 2. Influencing factors for patent applications : BERTIN, Gilles Y. Patent and licensing strategies of the various technology types of corporations; TSIPOURI, Lena, J. Problems and merits of the patent system from the point of view of small countries and small companies : the case of Greece; GREIF, Siegfried. State and development of economic patent research in the Federal Republic of Germany; 3. Technological aspects and effects of patent systems : FAUST, Konrad. Patent applications as an indicator for technological development : results and experiences with ifo patent statistics; AUDRETSCH, David B. The competitive and technological effects of patents : a critical assessment of the relevant literature in industrial economics; WALLMARK, Torkel. Intellectual property protection in small high-tech spin-off companies; 4. Competitive aspects and effects of national and supra-national patent systems : GUTTUSO, Sebastiano. Aspects of national and supra-national patent systems in European competition policy; GRUBER, Harald. The use of the patent system in Italy : a survey of the economic literature; TUNZELMANN, Nicholos von. Using patents data to analyse organizational change in the electronics industry; Annex : GERING, Thomas, KOBEK, Klaus. Economical aspects of patent exploitation in the European higher education sector (working paper); GRUPP, Hariolf. Statistical analysis of EPO search reports to identify the science base of modern technology in the Triad countries (working paper); PRETNAR, Bojan. Legal implications of economics of patent protection : a proposal for future research (working paper); SCHMOCH, Ulrich, STRAUSS, Elke, GRUPP, Hariolf. REISS, Thomas. Patentability of biotechnical inventions at the European Patent Office (working paper);.
Munich : European Patent Office (EPO), 1993.
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