@article{19983, note = {Price : NLG; Supplier : Nedbook, Amsterdam; Contents : 1. The evolution of copyright; 2. Theory of the author's right; 3. Sources of British copyright law; 4. Organisation of the copyright, designs and patents act; 5. Can I claim the benefit of copyright protection under the act? 6. Duration and scope of the copyright in works; 7. Ownership of copyright; 8. Moral rights; 9. Miscellaneous and supplementary provisions; 10. Copyright and designs; 11. Extent of operation of the act; 12. Infringement of copyright; 13. Remedies for infringement of copyright; 14. The copyright acts of 1911 and 1956; 15. Copyright and international law; 16. Copyright in the United States; 17. Collective Licensing; 18. Copyright Tribunal; 19. Rights in performances; 20. Protection outside the copyright system; 21. Copyright clearance and practical advice; Appendix : List of associations; Index;.}, author = {Phillips, Jeremy, and Durie, Roby. and Karet, Ia.}, url = {http://tind.wipo.int/record/19983}, title = {Whale on Copyright /}, recid = {19983}, pages = {xiv, 170 pages ;}, }