@article{19889, note = {Price : NLG; Supplier : Nedbook, Amsterdam; recd 28/01/93; Contents : COMMON GROUND : STARTING POINTS : General; sources of the law and pressures for its development; market power: economic approaches; division of markets and the EEC; THE ENFORCEMENT OF RIGHTS : Types of proceedings; remedies in civil actions; securing evidence of infringement; delayed ambush and selective action; PATENTS : GROWTH AND PURPOSE OF PATENTS : The new law; the British patent system: historical development; the INTERNATIONAL patent system; justifying the patent system; the patents act 1977: structure and interpretation; THE PATENT: GRANT AND CONTENT : Obtaining a patent; amendment; the claims; VALIDITY : Novelty; inventive step; industrial application; patentable subject-matter; clear and complete disclosure; requirements for claims; SCOPE OF MONOPOLY : Infringement; the specification in light of the legal requirements; PROPERTY RIGHTS AND EXPLOITATION : Initial entitlement and property dealings; licences of patents and allied rights; exhaustion in the Common Market; compulsory licences; crown use; CONFIDENCE : CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION : Introduction; requirements for liability; remedies; confidential information as PROPERTY; future developments; COPYRIGHT AND DESIGNS : RANGE AND AIMS OF COPYRIGHT : Historical introduction; economic perspectives; the 1988 Act and pre-existing works; SUBSISTENCE OF COPYRIGHT : The general picture; type and quality of subject-matter; formalities and permanent form; qualification; publication; term of copyright; INFRINGEMENT OF COPYRIGHT : Basic concepts; classes of prohibited act; FAIR DEALING and like exceptions; public policy; actions for infringement; moral rights; PROPERTY RIGHTS AND EXPLOITATION : Initial ownership; assignments and licensing; dealings based on copyright; control of monopoly; free movement of goods and copyright; free provision of services and copyright; COPYRIGHT : PARTICULAR CASES : The media and the public interest in news; reprography and recording: educational and private copying; computers: software, data bases, output; cable and satellite transmission; rights in performances; public lending right; droit de suite (artists' resale rights); domaine public payant; crown and parliamentary copyright; INDUSTRIAL DESIGN : Background; registered designs; artistic copyright; (unregistered) design rights; TRADE MARKS AND NAMES : COMPETITOR AND CONSUMER : Underlying themes; historical development; the purpose of protecting trade marks; COMMON LAW LIABILITY : Passing-off; injurious falsehood; REGISTERED TRADE MARKS : registered marks and common law rights; original registration; conditions for securing registration; objections to a trade mark once registered; assignment and licensing of registered marks; infringement; TRADE MARKS AND THE EEC : National law and the Treaty of Rome; impact of EEC law; the future of registered trade marks; misleading and unfair advertising; APPENDICES : Control of monopolies and restrictive practices : - note on institutions and some substantive rules; EEC: institutions for implementing competition policy; Restrictive practices and monopolies in the United Kingdom; OLD PATENTS - Term; validity; infringement; amendment; miscellaneous; Joint interests in marks; Protection of plant varieties;.}, author = {Cornish, William R.,}, url = {http://tind.wipo.int/record/19889}, title = {World intellectual property guidebook : United Kingdom /}, recid = {19889}, pages = {lviii, 593 pages ;}, }