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International administration : law and management practices in international organisations / edited by Chris de Cooker ; United Nations Institute for Training and Research.
Cooker, Chris De, editor.; De Cooker, Chris, editor.; United Nations Institute For Training And Research (UNITAR); Institut Des Nations Unies Pour La Formation Et La Recherche.; Unitar.; Naciones Unidas. Instituto Para La Formación Profesional Y. La Investigación.; Institute For Training And Research.
B 322 COO.I
Available at WIPO Library
International administration : law and management practices in international organisations / edited by Chris de Cooker ; United Nations Institute for Training and Research.
1 volume (loose-leaf) ; 27 cm
9780792304654 loose-leaf
9211572650 paperback
9789004176041 paperback
9780792304654 loose-leaf
9211572650 paperback
9789004176041 paperback
Alternate Call Number
B 322 COO.I
Looseleaf publication, but not updated. Table of Contents : ... I. General : 1. ALI, Aamir. The international civil service : the idea and the reality; 2. TASSIN, Jacques. Administrative coordination in the United Nations family; II. Management : 1. GOOSSEN, Dirk Jan. The International Civil Service Commission; 2. BERTRAND, Maurice. Policy on recruitment of United Nations staff; 3. OOSTERLINCK, Rene?. Staff management in international organisations : the example of the European Space Agency; 4. BEIGBEDER, Yves. Administrative and structural reform in the UN family; 5. COOKER, Chris de. Developing management / staff relations in international organisations : the negociation procedure in the European Space Agency; 6. SCHEBESTA, Helene. Changing roles and functions of staff representatives in the United Nations system; 7. PLANTEY, Alain. International civil servants employed in the field; III. Independence : 1. TARASSENKO, Serguei and ZACKLIN, Ralph. Independence of international civil servants (privileges and immunities); IV. Social security : 1. MORGENSTERN, Felice. Social security problems in international organisations; V. Judicial protection : 1. FUERST, Walter and WEBER, Helge. Uniformity in service law and judicial remedies for staff members of the European coordinated organisations; 2. GUTTERIDGE, Frank. The ILO Administrative Tribunal; 3. AMERASINGHE, C F. The World Bank Administrative Tribunal : its establishment and its work; 4. ELIAS, T O. The International Court of Justice in relation to the Administrative Tribunals of the United Nations and the International Labour Organisation; 5. O'KEEFFE, David. The Court of First Instance of the European Communities; 6. COOKER, Chris de. Pre-litigation procedures in international organisations; DOCUMENTS : 1. Statute of the Administrative Tribunal of the United Nations; 2. Provisional rules of procedure of the Committee of Applications for Review of Administrative Tribunal Judgements; 3. Statute of the Administrative Tribunal of the International Labour Organisation; 4. Statute of the Administrative Tribunal of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, International Development Association, and International Finance Corporation 5. Court of First Instance of the European Communities; ...
Reissued in paperback format in 2009, with updated and additional material.
"United Nations publication sales no.: E.90. III. K. ST/29"--Title page verso.
En-tête du titre: United Nations Institute for Training and Research.
At head of title: United Nations Institute for Training and Research.
Aan de kop van titelp.: United Nations Institute for Training and Research. UNITAR.
In testa al front. : United Nations Institute for training and research.
Precede al tít.: United Nations Institute for Training and Research. Hojas sueltas actualizadas anualmente.
A la part superior de la portada: United Nations Institute for Training and Research.
Reissued in paperback format in 2009, with updated and additional material.
"United Nations publication sales no.: E.90. III. K. ST/29"--Title page verso.
En-tête du titre: United Nations Institute for Training and Research.
At head of title: United Nations Institute for Training and Research.
Aan de kop van titelp.: United Nations Institute for Training and Research. UNITAR.
In testa al front. : United Nations Institute for training and research.
Precede al tít.: United Nations Institute for Training and Research. Hojas sueltas actualizadas anualmente.
A la part superior de la portada: United Nations Institute for Training and Research.
Formatted Contents Note
General. The international civil service: the idea and the reality / Aamir Ali
Administrative coordination in the United Nations family / Jacques Tassin
Management. The International Civil Service Commission / Dirk Jan Goossen
Policy on recruitment of United Nations staff / Maurice Bertrand
Staff management in international organisations: the example of the European Space Agency / René Oosterlinck
Administrative and structural reform in the organisations of the UN family / Yves Beigbeder
Developing management/staff relations in international organisations: the negotiation procedure in the European Space Agency / Chris de Cooker
Changing roles and function of staff representatives in the United Nations system / Helene Schebesta
International civil servants employed in the field / Alain Plantey
Independence. Independence of international civil servants (privileges and immunities / Serguei Tarassenko and Ralph Zacklin
Social security. Social security problems in international organisations / Felice Morgenstern
Judicial protection. Uniformity in service law and judicial remedies for staff members of the European coordinated organisations / Walter Furst and Helge Weber
The ILO Administrative Tribunal / Frank Gutteridge
The World Bank Administrative Tribunal: its establishment and its work / C.F. Amerasinghe
The International Court of Justice in relation to the administrative tribunals of the United Nations and the International Labour Organsation / T.O. Elias.
Administrative coordination in the United Nations family / Jacques Tassin
Management. The International Civil Service Commission / Dirk Jan Goossen
Policy on recruitment of United Nations staff / Maurice Bertrand
Staff management in international organisations: the example of the European Space Agency / René Oosterlinck
Administrative and structural reform in the organisations of the UN family / Yves Beigbeder
Developing management/staff relations in international organisations: the negotiation procedure in the European Space Agency / Chris de Cooker
Changing roles and function of staff representatives in the United Nations system / Helene Schebesta
International civil servants employed in the field / Alain Plantey
Independence. Independence of international civil servants (privileges and immunities / Serguei Tarassenko and Ralph Zacklin
Social security. Social security problems in international organisations / Felice Morgenstern
Judicial protection. Uniformity in service law and judicial remedies for staff members of the European coordinated organisations / Walter Furst and Helge Weber
The ILO Administrative Tribunal / Frank Gutteridge
The World Bank Administrative Tribunal: its establishment and its work / C.F. Amerasinghe
The International Court of Justice in relation to the administrative tribunals of the United Nations and the International Labour Organsation / T.O. Elias.
Dordrecht : Nijhoff, c1990.
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