TY - GEN AU - Fouloy, Christian De, AU - De Fouloy, Christian. CN - HC241.2 CN - KJE926.5.A6 ID - 19830 KW - European communities KW - GLOSSARY : EC TERMS KW - GLOSSARY : EC ACRONYMS KW - Europe KW - Droit commercial LA - eng LA - mul LA - Price : SFR; Supplier : Christian D. De Fouloy Tel.: 41.22.732.62.00 Author/Consultant Editor Fax : 41.22.738.71.23 6, Rue Guillaume-Tell CH-1201 Geneva The terms and acronyms selected are key to understanding the workings of the Community and other institutions, organisations, industrial groupings, pressure groups, consultancy and advisory bodies etc. The work is multilingual covering terms and acronyms, where possible, in English, French, German, Italian and Spanish. Terms and acronyms are listed alphabetically with the definition in the language of the original term or acronym appearing first. The language of the definition is identified by one of the following abbreviations : [D]-German, [Fr]-French, [I]-Italian, [Sp]-Spanish, [UK]-English. Definitions given of terms and acronyms are, where possible, the official definition. In certain instances, however, colloquial translations of definitions and terms are given. Where there is no national equivalent or no accurate translation is available for a term or acronym no definition has been given. This work marks Butterworths' first co-publishing venture with four leading law publishers within the Community - Berger-Levrault (Paris, France), Carl Heymanns Verlag KG (Cologne, Germany), Giuffre? (Milan, Italy) and La Ley (Madrid, Spain). ISBN : 3452223965; 8814034990; 270131030X;. N1 - EC = European community. SN - 0406004633 T1 - Glossary of EC terms and acronyms / TI - Glossary of EC terms and acronyms / ER -