TY - GEN ID - 19822 KW - Trademarks KW - Intellectual property KW - Patents KW - TRADEMARK PROTECTION KW - WIPO DOCUMENTS : TRADE MARKS OFFICE : AUSTRALIA KW - TRADEMARK ADMINISTRATION : COMPUTERIZATION KW - MARKS : LICENSING KW - MARKS : FRANCHISING KW - CERTIFICATION MARKS LA - eng N1 - organized by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) in cooperation with the Australian Patent, Trade Marks and Designs Offices and with the assistance of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP);. T1 - WIPO Asian regional training course on the law and administration of trademarks :Canberra, September 17 to 25, 1990. TI - WIPO Asian regional training course on the law and administration of trademarks :Canberra, September 17 to 25, 1990. ER -