@article{19664, note = {Price : US$; Supplier : Nedbook International bv P.O. Box 3113 1003 AC Amsterdam The Netherlands Tel : 0031 20 632 17 71 Fax : 0031 20 634 09 63 Publisher : Center for Law and the Arts Columbia University School of Law Box A-17, 435 West 116th Street New York, NY 1002 USA Tel : (212) 854 7424 Table of Contents : Preface; Introduction; Part 1 : Legal analysis of the Droit de Suite; 1. Legal Character of the Droit de Suite; 2. Characteristics of the Droit de Suite; Part 2 : Practical aspects of the Droit Suite; 1. Scope of the Droit de Suite; 2. Practical methods of collecting the Droit de Suite; Conclusion; Notes; Appendix; Bibliography;.}, author = {Pierredon-fawcett, Liliane De, and Kernochan, John M. and Martin-Valiquette, Louise. and Valiquette, Louise-Martin.}, url = {http://tind.wipo.int/record/19664}, title = {The droit de suite in literary and artistic property : a comparative law study /}, recid = {19664}, pages = {x, 301 pages ;}, }