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Biotechnology glossary = Glossaire de biotechnologie = Biotechnologie-Glossar = Glossario di biotecnologia = Glossarium biotechnologie = Bioteknologiglossar = Glosario de biotecnología = Glossário de biotecnologia = [title in Greek].
A 41 EEC.B
Available at WIPO Library
Biotechnology glossary = Glossaire de biotechnologie = Biotechnologie-Glossar = Glossario di biotecnologia = Glossarium biotechnologie = Bioteknologiglossar = Glosario de biotecnología = Glossário de biotecnologia = [title in Greek].
Language Note
English, French, german, Italian, Dutch, Danish, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian. Prepared by the terminology Help desk (SVP), Brussels, Translation service, Commission of the European communities.
v, 1072 pages ; 25 cm.
Alternate Call Number
A 41 EEC.B
gift from the Commission of the European Communities, Terminology Unit, Mrs Reizer, Luxembourg, Tel.: 00352/43012386; This glossary was prepared by the Terminology Help Desk (SVP), Brussels, Translation Service, Commission of the European Communities; English, franc?ais, deutsch, italiano, nederlands, dansk, espan?ol, portugue?s, Russian; Price : NLG 620.05; Inv.# 162634; Date 31/08/98; Supplier : Nedbook International, Amsterdam; Recd 04/09/98;.
" ... prepared by the Terminology Help Desk (SVP), Brussels Translation Service, Commission of the European Communities.".
Text engl., franz., dt., ital., niederländ., dän., span., portugies., griech.
Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Greek, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish.
"This glossary was prepared by the Terminology Help Desk (SVP), Brussels, Translation Service, Commission of the European Communities.".
" ... prepared by the Terminology Help Desk (SVP), Brussels Translation Service, Commission of the European Communities.".
Text engl., franz., dt., ital., niederländ., dän., span., portugies., griech.
Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Greek, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish.
"This glossary was prepared by the Terminology Help Desk (SVP), Brussels, Translation Service, Commission of the European Communities.".
London : Elsevier Applied Science, 1990.
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