@article{19530, author = {Allegra, Cristina.}, url = {http://tind.wipo.int/record/19530}, title = {Biotechnology glossary = Glossaire de biotechnologie = Biotechnologie-Glossar = Glossario di biotecnologia = Glossarium biotechnologie = Bioteknologiglossar = Glosario de biotecnología = Glossário de biotecnologia = [title in Greek].}, abstract = {gift from the Commission of the European Communities, Terminology Unit, Mrs Reizer, Luxembourg, Tel.: 00352/43012386; This glossary was prepared by the Terminology Help Desk (SVP), Brussels, Translation Service, Commission of the European Communities; English, franc?ais, deutsch, italiano, nederlands, dansk, espan?ol, portugue?s, Russian; Price : NLG 620.05; Inv.# 162634; Date 31/08/98; Supplier : Nedbook International, Amsterdam; Recd 04/09/98;.}, recid = {19530}, pages = {v, 1072 pages ;}, }