Information processing - Data interchange on 6,30 mm (0.25 in) magnetic tape cartridge using GCR recording at 394 ftpmm (10 000 ftpi), 39 cpmm (1 000 cpi) - Part 1 : Mechanical, physical and magnetic properties / International Organization For Standardization (iso).
Information processing - Data interchange on 6,30 mm (0.25 in) magnetic tape cartridge using GCR recording at 394 ftpmm (10 000 ftpi), 39 cpmm (1 000 cpi) - Part 1 : Mechanical, physical and magnetic properties / International Organization For Standardization (iso).
See French version in TRAITEMENT DE L'INFORMATION - ECHANGE DE DONNEES SUR CARTOUCHE DE BANDE MAGNETIQUE DE 6,30 mm (0,025 in) UTILISANT UN ENREGISTREMENT GCR a? 394 ftpmm (10 000 ftpi) 39 cpmm (1 000 cpi) - PARTIE 1 : CARACTERISTIQUES MECANIQUES PHYSIQUES ET MAGNETIQUES; Descriptors : data processing, information interchange, magnetic tapes, 6,3 mm magnetic tapes, cassettes for magnetic tapes, specifications, dimensions, tests, performance tests, storage transportation;.