@article{18937, recid = {18937}, title = {Asian regional symposium on protection against unfair competition /}, pages = {109, 162 pages :}, note = {Contents: DE ELZABURU, Alberto. Unfair competition as regards the commercialization of goods and services, with particular reference to Spain; MUEHLENDAHL, Alexander. The legal concepts of protection against unfair competition; TATHAM, David. Unfair competition in relation to the marketing of goods and services : the approach adopted in the United Kingdom and in countries of the common-law system; INTROVIGNE, Massimo. Unfair competition in relation to technology, in particular, cases involving violation of trade secrets; THRIERR, Alain. Counterfeiting and piracy of the presentation and packaging of the products; KUNZ, Gerd. Misleading advertising; DOCKERY, Robert J. Protection against unfair competition in the United States of America : antitrust law and cases involving restrictive business practices. Edition in English and Chinese.}, url = {http://tind.wipo.int/record/18937}, }