@article{18523, note = {(F/E/S) : French, English and Spanish version; Paris : UNESCO; Geneva : WIPO; See French version in COMITE D'EXPERTS GOUVERNEMENTAUX SUR L'ELABORATION DE DISPOSITIONS TYPES DE LEGISLATION NATIONALE RELATIVES AUX AUTEURS EMPLOYES (GENEVE, 27-31 JANVIER 1986) : OMPI/UNESCO; See Spanish version in COMITE DE EXPERTOS GUBERNAMENTALES SOBRE LA ELABORACION DE DISPOSICIONES TIPO DE LEGISLACION NACIONAL RELATIV AS A LOS AUTORES EMPLEADOS (GINEBRA, 27-31 DE ENERO DE 1986 : OMPI/UNESCO;.}, url = {http://tind.wipo.int/record/18523}, title = {Committee of Governmental Experts on model provisions for national laws on employed authors (Geneva, January 27-31, 1986) : WIPO/UNESCO.}, recid = {18523}, pages = {1 volume (various paging) ;}, }