@article{17966, recid = {17966}, author = {Kramer, Barry,}, title = {Intellectual Property Law Review 1986.}, pages = {xxvi, 581 pages ;}, note = {Volumes 1 through 9 in this series were published under the title PATENT LAW REVIEW; Contents O'HEARN, TIMOTHY J. Patent law reform via the Federal Courts Improvement Act of 1982: the transformation of patentability jurisprudence (appeared at: 17 Akron Law Review 453, 1984); SCHAINHOLZ, JAY DAVID. The validity of patents after market testing: a new and improved experimental use doctrine KAPLOW, LOUIS. The patent-antitrust intersection: a reappraisal (appeared at: 97 Harvard Law Review 1815, 1984); Part 2 : Trademarks BAUER, JOSEPH P. A federal law of unfair competition: what should be the reach of section 43(a) of the Lanham Act? (appeared at: 31 UCLA Law Review 671, 1984); GOLDSTEIN, CARRIE. Carson v. here's Johnny Portable Toilets Inc. plumbing the depths of the right of publicity (appeared at: Hastings Journal of Communications and Entertainement Law 319, 1985); COVERDALE, JOHN F. Trademarks and generic words: an effect-on competition test (appeared at: 51 University of Chicago Law Review 868, 1984); KEATING, W.J. Promotional trademark licensing: a concept whose time has come (appeared at: 89 Dickinson Law Review 363, 1985); CLARK, ANDREW E. The trouble with T-shirts: merchandise bootlegging in the music industry (appeared at: Hastings Journal of Communications and Entertainment Law 1, 1983); Part 3 : Copyright RODAU, ANDREW G. Protecting computer software: after Apple Computer Inc. v. Franklin Computer Corp., does copyright provide the best protection? (appeared at: 57 Temple Law Quarterly 527, 1984); KAPLAN, LAURIE SEIGEL. Arbitration and Intellectual Property: a survey of arbitration in patent, trademark and copyright cases (appeared at: 48 Albany Law Review 797; 1984); CHESSER, JAMES. Semiconductor chip protection: changing roles for copyright and competition (appeared at: 71 Virginia Law Review 249, 1985); SINGER, SYDNEE ROBIN. Satellite/Dish antenna technology: a copyright owner's dilemma (appeared at: 59 Indiana Law Journal 417, 1984); JORDAN, CONRAD. Copyrights and the national stolen property act: is the copyright infringer a thief? (appeared at 52 Fordham Law Review 1242, 1984); LEWIS, PETER BRANDON. Fair use in commercial advertising (appeared at: 41 Washington and Lee Law Review 1387, 1984)}, url = {http://tind.wipo.int/record/17966}, }