@article{17771, note = {(F/E/S/R/A) : French, English, Spanish, Russian and Arabic version; See French version in TRANSFERT DES CONNAISSANCES TECHNIQUES AUX PAYS EN VOIE DE DEVELOPPEMENT : ASPECTS JURIDIQUES DES CONTRATS DE LICENCE EN MATIERE DE BREVETS, DE MARQUES ET DE KNOW-HOW; See Spanish version in TRANSFERENCIA DE TECNOLOGIA A LOS PAISES EN DESARROLLO : ASPECTOS JURIDICOS DE LOS ACUERDOS DE LICENCIA EN EL CAMPO DE LAS PATENTES, LAS MARCAS Y LOS CONOCIMIENTOS TECNICOS;.}, url = {http://tind.wipo.int/record/17771}, title = {Transfer of technology to developing countries : Legal aspects of license agreements in the field of patents, trademarks and know-how by the World Intellectual Property Organization.}, recid = {17771}, pages = {10 pages ;}, }