TY - GEN T1 - Agreement between the International Union for the protection of New Varieties of Plants and the Swiss Federal Council to determine the legal status in Switzerland of that Union (Headquarters Agreement). LA - eng LA - *signed in Berne on November 17, 1983* (F/E/G) : French, English and German version; See French version in ACCORD ENTRE L'UNION INTERNATIONALE POUR LA PROTECTION DES OBTENTIONS VEGETALES ET LE CONSEIL FEDERAL SUISSE POUR DETERMINER LE STATUT JURIDIQUE EN SUISSE DE CETTE UNION (ACCORD DE SIEGE) : SIGNE A BERNE LE 17 NOVEMBRE 1983 : ET TEXTES Y RELATIFS; See German version in ABKOMMEN ZWISCHEN DEM INTERNATIONALEN VERBAND ZUM SCHUTZ VON PFLANZENZUECHTUNGEN UND DEM SCHWEIZERISCHEN BUNDESRAT ZUR REGELUNG DES RECHTLICHEN STATUTS DIESES VERBANDES IN DER SCHWEIZ (SITZABKOMMEN) : AM 17 NOVEMBER 1983 IN BERN UNTERZEICHNET : SOWIE DAMIT ZUSAMMENHAENGENDE DOKUMENTE;. ID - 17735 TI - Agreement between the International Union for the protection of New Varieties of Plants and the Swiss Federal Council to determine the legal status in Switzerland of that Union (Headquarters Agreement). ER -