\def\WIPO{World Intellectual Property Organisation}
Intellectual Property Law Review 1981.
US 87 1981
Available at WIPO Library
Intellectual Property Law Review 1981.
Item Type
c, 680 pages ; [28] cm
Alternate Call Number
US 87 1981
Volume 1 through 9 in this series were published under the title PATENT LAW REVIEW Contents Part 1 : The John Marshall Conference 1981 RICH, GILES S. Recollections of writing 35 USC 271; JANICKE, PAUL M. BOROVOY, ROGER. Mediation and arbitration of patent issues; BANNER, DONALD W. The antitrust interface; BENSON, ROBERT B. Recent legislative developments; CLEMENT, HOWARD W. Late claiming; BLAIR, HOMER O. International technology transfer : United Nations code of conduct and law of the sea treaty; ALLEGRETTI, DENNIS D. BANNER, MARK T. Obviousness: a trial lawyer's perspective; KIRK, MICHAEL K. Chinese Intellectual Property Law and technology acquisition; PART 2 : Patents, General Considerations COLAIANNI, JOSEPH V. 35 U.S.C. para 103: a quest for objectivity (appeared at: 39 Federal Bar Journal 23, 1980); WELCH, GERALD T. Patent law's ephemeral experimental use doctrine: judicial lip service to a judicial misnomer or the experimental stage doctrine (appeared at: 11 Toledo Law Review, No 11, 1980); IRONS, EDWARD S. SEARS, MARY HELEN. Patent REEXAMINATION: a case of administrative arrogation (appeared at: 287 Utah Law Review 287, 1980); PETERSON, GALE R. Venue: where to tag an infringer? (appeared at Barrister Magazine); Part 3 : Trademarks, Unfair Competition HUTTER, MICHAEL J. Drafting enforceable employee non-competition agreements to protect confidential business information: a lawyer's practical approach to the case law (appeared at: 45 Albany Law Review 311, 1981); HODGEMAN, ROGER B. Trademarks, infringement, fair use (appeared at: 49 Cincinnati Law Review 698, 1980); KUZOW, MICHAEL F. The FTC and the generic doctrine: a new Rx for pharmaceutical trademarks (appeared at: 15 Tulsa Law Journal 327, 1979); FERRILL, ALAN MICHAEL. The pick-barth doctrine: should unfair competition belong under the Sherman Act? (appeared at: 31 Baylor Law Review 253, 1979); Part 4 : Copyright DIAMOND, SIDNEY A. Sound recordings and phonorecords : history and current law (appeared at: University of Illinois Law Forum 337, 1979); CLARK, CHARLES R. Universal City Studios Inc. v. Sony Corporation of America: application of the fair use doctrine under the United States Copyright Acts of 1909 and 1976; Part 5 : Antitrust WEINBERG, WALTER S. Mannington Mills Inc. v. Congoleum Corp.: a further step toward a complete subject matter jurisdiction test (appeared at: Journal of International Law & Business); PAYNE, KENNETH E. STROUP, RICHARD L. U.S. antitrust aspects of the international transfer of technology (appeared at: 5 North Carolina Journal of International Law and Commercial Regulation 91, 1980); BALMER, THOMAS A. Sham litigation and the antitrust laws (appeared at: 29 Buffalo Law Review 39, 1980); HOFFER, JOHN L. jr. Antitrust: patent infringement (appeared at: 15 Gonzaga Law Review 1065, 1980); Part 6 : Taxation MARTIN, ROBERT B. jr. Planning for the R&D tax shelter: an analysis of the essential tax elements (appeared at: the Journal of Taxation); STANTON, DOUGLAS R. Practical and legal aspects of a patent as part of an estate (appeared at: 119 Trust and Estates 19, 1980); Part 7 : International Aspects MODIANO, GIOVANNA. International patent licensing agreements and conflict of laws (appeared at: Northwestern University School of Law, Vol 2, No.1) EASTON, EDWARD R. NEELEY, JEFFREY S. Unfair competition in U.S. import trade: developments since the Trade Act of 1974 (appeared at: 5 the International Trade Law Journal 203, 1980)
New York City, New York : Clark Boardman Callaghan, 1981.
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