@article{16786, recid = {16786}, author = {Rose, Gerald,}, title = {Intellectual Property Law Review 1979.}, pages = {civ, 450 pages ;}, note = {Volumes 1 through 9 in this series were published under the title PATENT LAW REVIEW Contents Part 1 : General Considerations MARKEY, HOWARD T. Some patent problems II: philosophical, philological and procedural (appeared at: 80 Federal Rules Decisions 203, Jan. 1979); KLITZKE, RAMON A. Patent law: equivalency and validity in the seventh circuit (appeared at: 55 Chicago-Kent Law Rev. 183, 1979); HOLMES, THOMAS. Product simulation in the eighth circuit (appeared at: 57 Nebraska Law Rev. 91, 1978); PFEIFER, MICHAEL R. Legal protection of computer software : an update (appeared at: 5 Orange County Bar Journal 226, 1978); Part 2 : Patent Misuse CASSARD, RICHARD E. Total sales royalties under the patent misuse doctrine : a critique of Zenith (appeared at: 76 Michigan Law Rev. 114, 1978); Part 3 : Trademarks GROW, MICHAEL A. Guidelines for advising clients as to potential trademark infringement (appeared at: Barrister 6(1) : 21, 1979); Part 4 : Licensing GILMORE, DANIEL J. Federal Preemption : Federal patent policy preempts postsecrecy : enforcement of licensing contracts (appeared at: 12 Suffolk Univ. Law Rev. 1329, 1978); Part 5 : Copyrights RAMOS, CAREY R. The BETAMAX case: accommodating public access and economic incentive in copyright law (appeared at: 31 Stanford Law Rev. 243, 1979); HOARD, STEVEN L. Copyright Law : one step beyond fair use : a direct public interest qualification premised on the first amendment (appeared at: 57 North Carolina Law Rev. 150, 1978); PATTON, SUSAN HEDGES. Courting the artist with copyright : the 1976 Copyrights Act (appeared at: 24 Wayne Law Rev. 1685, 1978); Part 6 : Trade Secrets JOHNSON WILLIAM F. jr. Remedies in trade secret litigation (appeared at: 72 Northwestern University School of Law, 1978); BARCLAY, MICHAEL. Trade secrets : how long should an injunction last ? (appeared at: 26 UCLA Law Rev. 203, 1978); Part 7 : Original Writing EBERLE, WILLIAM F. Bergy, Chakrabarty and Flook: is a LIVING article of manufacture patentable subject matter under 35 USC para 101 ? 35 USC para 101 ?}, url = {http://tind.wipo.int/record/16786}, }