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The Use of genetic resources in the plant kingdom : records of a symposium held on the occasion of the fourteenth ordinary session of the Council of the International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants, Geneva, October 15, 1980.
E 241S21 UPOV.U(A)
Available at WIPO Library
The Use of genetic resources in the plant kingdom : records of a symposium held on the occasion of the fourteenth ordinary session of the Council of the International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants, Geneva, October 15, 1980.
64 pages : illustrations ; 30 cm.
Alternate Call Number
E 241S21 UPOV.U(A)
*Geneva, October 15, 1980* See German version in DIE VERWENDUNG GENETISCHER RESSOURCEN IM PFLANZENREICH : AUFZEICHNUNGEN UEBER EIN SYMPOSION, DAS ANLASSLICH DER SECHZEHNTEN ORDENTLICHEN TAGUNG DES RATES DES INTERNATIONALEN VERBANDS ZUM SCHUTZ VON PFLANZENZUEHTUNGEN AM 15, OKTOBER 1980 IN GENF STATTGEFUNDEN HAT; See French version in L'UTILISATION DES RESSOURCES GENETIQUES DU REGNE VEGETAL : COMPTE RENDU DU SYMPOSIUM TENU A L'OCCASION DE LA QUATORZIEME SESSION ORDINAIRE DU CONSEIL DE L'UNION INTERNATIONALE POUR LA PROTECTION DES OBTENTIONS VEGETALES; Preface : Arpad Bogsch; Table of Contents : WILLIAMS, J T. Gene Banks and Clonal Repositories; FISCHBECK, G. The Usefulness of Gene Banks - Perspectives for the Breeding of Plants; MURPHY, P W. Plant Breeders. Rights and the Improvement of Plant Varieties; DE BAKKER, Dr G. European Cooperative Programme for the Conservation and Exchange of Crop Genetic Resources; LEESE, Mr B M. Germplasm Conservation Systems in the United States of America and the Contribution by the Plant Variety Protection Office; SILVEY, Valerie. The Influence of Improved Crop Varieties and Husbandry Methods on Increasing Cereal Yield;.
"This issue [of UPOV newsletter] contains the records of a Symposium on The Use of Genetic Resources in the Plant Kingdom held on October 15, 1980, on the occasion of the fourteenth ordinary session of the Council of UPOV.".
"This issue [of UPOV newsletter] contains the records of a Symposium on The Use of Genetic Resources in the Plant Kingdom held on October 15, 1980, on the occasion of the fourteenth ordinary session of the Council of UPOV.".
UPOV publication ; 336.
Geneva, Switzerland : International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (UPOV), 1982.
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