@article{16780, note = {*Geneva, October 15, 1980* See German version in DIE VERWENDUNG GENETISCHER RESSOURCEN IM PFLANZENREICH : AUFZEICHNUNGEN UEBER EIN SYMPOSION, DAS ANLASSLICH DER SECHZEHNTEN ORDENTLICHEN TAGUNG DES RATES DES INTERNATIONALEN VERBANDS ZUM SCHUTZ VON PFLANZENZUEHTUNGEN AM 15, OKTOBER 1980 IN GENF STATTGEFUNDEN HAT; See French version in L'UTILISATION DES RESSOURCES GENETIQUES DU REGNE VEGETAL : COMPTE RENDU DU SYMPOSIUM TENU A L'OCCASION DE LA QUATORZIEME SESSION ORDINAIRE DU CONSEIL DE L'UNION INTERNATIONALE POUR LA PROTECTION DES OBTENTIONS VEGETALES; Preface : Arpad Bogsch; Table of Contents : WILLIAMS, J T. Gene Banks and Clonal Repositories; FISCHBECK, G. The Usefulness of Gene Banks - Perspectives for the Breeding of Plants; MURPHY, P W. Plant Breeders. Rights and the Improvement of Plant Varieties; DE BAKKER, Dr G. European Cooperative Programme for the Conservation and Exchange of Crop Genetic Resources; LEESE, Mr B M. Germplasm Conservation Systems in the United States of America and the Contribution by the Plant Variety Protection Office; SILVEY, Valerie. The Influence of Improved Crop Varieties and Husbandry Methods on Increasing Cereal Yield;.}, url = {http://tind.wipo.int/record/16780}, title = {The Use of genetic resources in the plant kingdom : records of a symposium held on the occasion of the fourteenth ordinary session of the Council of the International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants, Geneva, October 15, 1980.}, recid = {16780}, pages = {64 pages :}, }