@article{16757, note = {(F/E/S) : French, English and Spanish version; See French version in LOI TYPE DE L'OMPI POUR LES PAYS EN DEVELOPPEMENT CONCERNANT LES INVENTIONS : [2 VOLUMES]; See Spanish version in LEY TIPO DE LA OMPI PARA LOS PAISES EN DESARROLLO SOBRE INVENCIONES : [2 VOLUMES]; Vol I : Patents ; 146p; Vol II: Know-How Examination and Registration of Contracts : Inventors' Certificates : Technovations : Transfer of Technology Patents : Vol II: ISBN No : 9280500236 : WIPO Publication, No 841 (E) : 102p;.}, url = {http://tind.wipo.int/record/16757}, title = {WIPO Model Law for developing countries on inventions : [2 Volumes].}, recid = {16757}, pages = {1 volume (various paging) ;}, }