@article{16643, note = {*Organization* Contents: VTC/78/INF/1 Provisional program; VTC/78/INF/2 Provisional list of participants and sponsors; VTC/78/8 The World Intellectual Property Organization, its role and activities : WIPO's training program; VTC/78/9 International cooperation in the field of patent documentation and information; VTC/78/10 The PCT and its importance to developing countries; VTC/78/10 The PCT and its importance to developing countries (correction); VTC/78/40 The evolving legal framework governing patent licenses and know-how contracts, particularly as concerns developing countries.}, url = {http://tind.wipo.int/record/16643}, title = {Training course in the use of patent documentation as a source of technological information, Vienna, August 17 to September 14, 1978 : organized jointly by the Republic of Austria and the World Intellectual Property.}, recid = {16643}, pages = {1 volume (various paging) ;}, }