@article{16561, note = {(EFS) : English, French and Spanish version; See French version in LA MISE EN OEUVRE DE LA CONVENTION DE ROME : SOUS-COMITE DU COMITE INTERGOUVERNEMENTAL DE LA CONVENTION INTERNATIONALE SUR LA PROTECTION DES ARTISTES INTERPRETES DE RADIODIFFUSION; See Spanish version in LA EJECUCION DE LA CONVENCION DE ROMA : SUBCOMITE SOBRE LA APLICACION DE LA CONVENCION DE ROMA DEL COMITE INTERGUBERNAMENTAL DE LOS ARTISTAS INTERPRETES O EJECUTANTES, LOS PRODUCTORES DE FONOGRAMAS Y LOS ORGANISMOS DE RADIODIFUSION; ILO/UNESCO/WIPO/ICR/SC.1/IMP/1-5; Gene?ve 29 jan-2 fe?vrier 1979; ILO/UNESCO/WIPO/ICR/SC.1/IMP/1-5; Gene?ve 29 jan-2 fe?vrier 1979;.}, url = {http://tind.wipo.int/record/16561}, title = {The implemention of the Rome Convention : Subcommittee of the Intergovernmental Committee of the International Convention for the Protection of Performers, Producers of Phonograms and Broadcasting Organizations.}, recid = {16561}, pages = {1 volume (various paging) ;}, }