TY - GEN ID - 15847 KW - Patents. KW - Trademarks KW - Patents KW - Intellectual property KW - Industrial property KW - WIPO AND UPOV DOCUMENTS : BIRPI : PARIS UNION : COMMITTEES OF EXPERTS, CONFERENCES, VARIOUS CONGRESSES KW - PATENTS : MULTILATERAL TREATIES : COMMUNITY PATENT KW - WIPO DOCUMENTS : BERNE UNION : COMMITTEES OF EXPERTS, CONFERENCES N1 - Committee for Trademark and Industrial Design matters; 1e Session : Addis Ababa, June 4-10, 1974; ECA/WIPO/I/1-4; 2e Session : Nairobi, October 13-17, 1975; ECA/WIPO/II/1-8; 3e Session ; Lusaka, December 8-17, 1976; ECA/WIPO/III/1-7; 4e Session : Accra, December 5-13, 1977 ; ECA/WIPO/IV/1-8;. T1 - Conference on the industrial property laws of English-speaking Africa :Committee for patent matters : sponsored jointly by the Economic Commission for Africa and the World Intellectual Property Organization / TI - Conference on the industrial property laws of English-speaking Africa :Committee for patent matters : sponsored jointly by the Economic Commission for Africa and the World Intellectual Property Organization / ER -