TY - GEN ID - 15229 KW - Patents. KW - Intellectual property. KW - WIPO AND UPOV DOCUMENTS : BIRPI : PARIS UNION : PCT KW - LAW AND ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL SCIENCES : GENERAL LEGAL WORKS : LEGAL DICTIONARIES KW - PARIS CONVENTION : REVISION : STOCKHOLM (1967) KW - PARIS CONVENTION : GUIDE TO THE APPLICATION LA - eng N1 - French and English version; See French version in LE TRAITE DE COOPERATION EN MATIERE EN BREVETS; Published by : Functions Coordinating Committee : A committee appointed by the Commissioner of Patents of the United States to plan and implement a social, cultural and educational program for the Washington Diplomatic Conference on the Patent Cooperation Treaty; Introduction : William E Schuyler, Jr. Commissioner of Patents of the United States;. T1 - Patent Cooperation Treaty. TI - Patent Cooperation Treaty. ER -