@article{15142, note = {Contents: Part 1 : General Consideration CLERK, TOM C. To Promote the Progress of ... Useful Arts (43 NYU L Rev. 88, 1968); DOCTORS, SAMUEL J. Transfer of Space Technology to the American Consumer: The Effects of Nasa's Patent Policy (appeared at: 52 Minnesota L.Rev.789, 1968); Civil Procedure; Patent Attorneys; Only Documents prepared during Pendency of Litigation held within Protection of Attorney-Client Privilege (appeared at: 42 NYU L Review 1176, 1967); WELCH, J. EDWARD. Patent Infringement in Government Procurement: Gao's Role (appeared at: 10 William & Mary L.Rev. 39, 1968); GREEN, C. JOHN. Early Information on the Institute's Study of the President's Commission Report (appeared at: 11 IDEA 459, 1967-1968); ARNOLd, TOM. A Critique of Deferred Examination (appeared at: 11 IDEA 580, 1967-1968); LAMBRIGHT, Henry W. Government, Industry and the Research Partnership: The Case of Patent Policy (appeared at: 28 Pub.Adm. Rev. 214, 1968); TOPOL, ALLAN J. Patents and Hunting Licenses: Some iconoclastic Comments and an irreverent Solution (appeared at: 17 Amer.U.L. Rev. 424, 1968); Part II : Unfair Competition AHRENS, MICHAEL H. The Misappropriation Doctrine after Sears-Compco (appeared at: 2 Univ. of San Francisco L.Rev.292, 1968); Part III : Antitrust and Misuse TIMBERG, SIGMUND. The Impact of Antitrust Laws on Multinational Licensing and Franchising Arrangements (appeared at: 13 Antitrust Bull. 39, 1968); DERINGER, ARVED. EEC Antitrust Laws and Industrial Property Rights: Latest Developments (appeared at: 13 Antitrust Bull. 341, 1968); NIRO, RAYMOND P. and WIGERT WILLIAM J. Patents, Fraud and the Antitrust Laws (appeared at: 37 Geo. Wash.L.Rev. 168, 1968); KINS, JURIS. Dissipation of Patent Misuse (appeared at: 1968 Wisconsin L.Rev.918); GOLDSTEIN, ERNEST E. International Patent and Knowhow, Inter- changes and the American Antitrust Laws (appeared at: 4 Texas Int'l L.F. 42, 1968); Part IV : International HARBERS, MICHAEL J. International Patent Cooperation (appeared at: Stanford Law Review, May, 1968); SARAGOVITZ, HARRY M. and DOBKIN JAMES A. Patents, Technical Data and International Defense Agreements (appeared at: 13 Villanova L.Rev. 457, 1968); WAYMAN, COOPER H. Patent Protection in International Business Transactions (appeared at: Denver Law Journal, Vol. 45 Issue 1, 1968); HIANCE, M. and PLASSERAUD Y. The new French Patent Law (appeared at 50 Journal of the Patent Office Society 209, 1968); Part V : Licensing TREECE, JAMES M. Licensee Estoppel in Patent and Trademark Cases (appeared at: 53 Iowa L.Rev. 525, 1967); Unreduced Royalty Arrangments and Packaged Patents: An Improper Extension of the Patent Monopoly? (appeared at: 66 Michigan L.Rev. 1248, 1968); CAMPBELL, ROLAND P. Increasing Profits from foreign Knowhow Licensing (appeared at Denver Law Journal, Vol. 45, Issue 1, 1968); LIPSCOMB III, ERNEST B. Package Patent Licensing: A Practical Analysis (appeared at 39 Miss.L.J 351, 1968) Part VI : Patentability GORN, ELMER J. Why Patent and Data Rights? (appeared at: 28 Federal Bar Journal 58, 1968); BENDER, DAVID. Computer Programs: Should they be Patentable? (appeared at 68 Colum.L.Rev.241, 1968) GRAHAM, MAW W.J. Process Patents for Computer Programs (appeared at: 56 Calif.L.Rev.466, 1968); Computer Programs and Proposed Revisions of the Patent and Copyright Laws (unsigned note, appeared at: 81 Harvard L.Rev. 1541, 1968); The Public Use Bar to Patentability: Two new Approaches to the Experimental Use Exception (appeared at: 52 Minnesota L.Rev.851, 1968); KRAMER, NATHANIEL DEAN. Estoppel to deny Validity: A slender Reed (appeared at: 23 NYU Intramural L.Rev. 237, 1967-1968); STEWART, JAMES K. The Utility Requirement in Chemical Process an Chemical Intermediate Patent Claims (appeared at: 9 William and Mary L.Rev. 826, 1968).}, author = {Costner, Thomas E.,}, url = {http://tind.wipo.int/record/15142}, title = {Patent Law Review 1969}, recid = {15142}, pages = {vi, 693 pages ;}, }