TY - GEN T1 - Actes diplomatiques [vol 1-10] :Bureaux internationaux réunis pour la protection de la propriété intellectuelle. LA - fre LA - E.I.1 : Convention establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization : signed at Stockholm on July 14, 1967; E.I.2 : Final Act : Intellectual Property Conference of Stockholm 1967; (Text in French, English, Spanish and Russian); E.I.3/1 : Chairman of the Council of State of the German Democratic Republic : accession to the International Treaties as follows: The Convention establishing WIPO of July 14th 1967; the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works of September 9th 1886, as revised at Stockholm on July 14th 1967; the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property of March 20th 1883, as revised at Stockholm on July 14th 1967; the Additional Act of Stockholm, of July 14th 1967, to the Madrid Agreement for the Repression of False or Deceptive Indications of Source on Goods of April 14th, 1891, as revised at Lisbon on October 31st 1958; (3 copies) (Text in English, French and German); E.I.3/2 : Re?publique du Se?ne?gal : Lettres de ratification de la Convention instituant l'OMPI signe?e a? Stockholm le 14 juillet 1967; Articles 76 et 77 de la Constitution et a? la Loi No. 63.042 du 24 juillet 1968; E.I.3/3; Text in Russian : Traduction non-officielle : Le Soviet l'Union : Ratification des Actes : l'Acte de Stockholm, et la Convention instituant l'OMPI; E.I.3/4-5 : Text in Russian without English translation; E.I.3/6 : Text of the Convention [Word by Word] : Convention establishing WIPO was signed on behalf of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland; E.I.3/7 : Re?publique socialiste de Roumaine a ratifie? la Convention instituant l'OMPI, signe?e a? Stockholm le 14 juillet 1967; E.I.3/8 : Spain (Text in Spanish); Article 22 : La Convencio?n de Berna; E.I.3/9 : Sweden (Text in Swedish) (Translation in French) : La Convention instituant l'OMPI, adopte?e a? Stockholm le 14 juillet 1967: Gustaf Adolf; E.I.3/10 : Israel : Convention establishing WIPO : inscribed in the Fifth Book of Protocol under No. 762; signed by the Minister for Foreign Affairs : Abba Eban; E.I.3/11 : Hungary : Convention establishig WIPO : (Text in Hungarian) with (Translation in French); E.I.3/12 : Denmark : (Text in Danish) : (Translation in French and English); E.I.3/13 : Le Conseil fe?de?ral suisse : la Convention instituant l'Organisation mondiale de la proprie?te? intellectuelle; E.I.3/14 : Bulgaria; (2 copies); E.I.3/15 : Malawi : Instrument of Accession to the Paris Convention, Stockholm Act 1967 and to the Convention establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization, Stockholm 1967; E.I.3/16-19 : As in E.I.3/15 : Canada, America (2 copies), Finland, Tchad; E.I:3/20 : Instrument of Ratification to the Convention establishing WIPO; and the Stockholm Acts; Additional Act and Complementary Act will now apply to Land Berlin with effect from the date on which they enter into force for the Federal Republic of Germany; Date of letter, Geneva, June 19, 1970; E.I.3/21 : Czechoslovakia : Article 5; E.I.3/22 : Royaume du Maroc; E.1.3/23 : Instrument of Ratification of the Government of the Republic of Kenya in respect of the WIPO (Done at Stockholm in 1967); E.I.3/24 : Fiji; E.I.3/25 : Yugoslavia : Ratifications : Convention establishing WIPO; (F/E); E.I.3/26 : Liechtenstein : as above in E.I.3/25; E.I.3/27 : Jordan : " " Class VII; E.I.3/28 : Cameroon : " "; E.I.3/29 : Australia : " "; E.I.3/30 : Germany : " "; E.I.3/31 : Uganda : Instrument of Accession to the WIPO Convention (1967) and the Paris Convention on the protection of Industrial Property; E.I.3/32 : Sudan : Instrument of Accession to the WIPO Convention (1967), dated 22 October 1973; E.I.3/33 : Ivory Coast : Instrument of Ratification to the WIPO Convention; E.I.3/34 : Instruments of Ratification by Norway of the following Treaties : WIPO Convention, signed at Stockholm on July 14, 1967; Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property of March 20, 1883, as revised at Stockholm on July 14, 1967; Nice Agreement concerning the International Classification of Goods and Services for the purpose of the Registration of Marks, of July 15, 1957, as revised at Stockholm on July 14, 1967; Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works of September 9, 1886, as revised at Paris on July 24, 1971, with the exception of Article 1-21 and the Appendix, as provided for in Article 28(1)(b); E.I.3/35 : Korea : approves the WIPO Convention signed at Stockholm in 1967; E.I.3/36 : United Arab Emirates accepts the above-mentioned Convention : dated 18 June 1974; E.I.3/37 : Republic of France : Ratification of the above-mentioned Convention; dated 3 July 1974; E.I.3/38 : Republic of Zaire : Ratification as in E.I.3/37; E.I.3/39 : Belgium : as above; E.I.3/40 : Netherlands : WIPO Convention; letter dated 9 October 1974; E.I.3/41 : Luxembourg : Ratification of WIPO Convention : dated 5 November 1974; E.I.3/42 : Brasil : WIPO Convention; E.I.3/43 : Monaco : WIPO Convention; E.I.3/44 : Congo : Instrument of Accession to the WIPO Convention; dated the 20 November 1974; (2 copies); E.I.3/45 : Republic of Dahomey : Convention WIPO; dated 5 November 1974 (Text in French); E.I.3/46 : Republic of Pologne : Convention WIPO : 5 December 1974 (Text in French); E.I.3/47 : Republic of Cuba : Convention WIPO; E.I.3/48 : Instrument of Ratification : South Africa : Paris Convention; WIPO Convention;, Berne Convention; See E.I.3/49-70 under same heading entry;. ID - 13809 KW - ACTES DIPLOMATIQUES TI - Actes diplomatiques [vol 1-10] :Bureaux internationaux réunis pour la protection de la propriété intellectuelle. ER -