@article{12776, recid = {12776}, author = {Stamatoudi, Irini A., and Torremans, Paul L. C., and Stamtatoudi, Irina A. and Brett, Hugh.}, title = {Copyright in the new digital environment : the need to redesign copyright /}, pages = {xviii, 211 pages ;}, note = {... GENDREAU, Ysolde. A technologically neutral solution for the Internet: is it wishful thinking? STAMATOUDI, Irini. To what extent are multimedia products databases? LATREILLE, Antoine. The legal classification of multimedia creations in French law; LAI, Stanley. The role of computer software copyright in relation to new media; TORREMANS, Paul. Moral rights in the digital age; ADAMS, John. The United Kingdom's droit de suite; STROWEL, Alain. The liability of online service providers: recent developments in Europe and the United States; DAVIES, Gillian. Technical devices as a solution to private copying; LEHMANN, Michael. Digitisation and copyright agreements.}, url = {http://tind.wipo.int/record/12776}, }