\def\WIPO{World Intellectual Property Organisation}
Copyright in the new digital environment : the need to redesign copyright / edited by Irini A. Stamatoudi and Paul L.C. Torremans.
N 631 STA.C
Available at WIPO Library
Copyright in the new digital environment : the need to redesign copyright / edited by Irini A. Stamatoudi and Paul L.C. Torremans.
xviii, 211 pages ; 25 cm.
Alternate Call Number
N 631 STA.C
... GENDREAU, Ysolde. A technologically neutral solution for the Internet: is it wishful thinking? STAMATOUDI, Irini. To what extent are multimedia products databases? LATREILLE, Antoine. The legal classification of multimedia creations in French law; LAI, Stanley. The role of computer software copyright in relation to new media; TORREMANS, Paul. Moral rights in the digital age; ADAMS, John. The United Kingdom's droit de suite; STROWEL, Alain. The liability of online service providers: recent developments in Europe and the United States; DAVIES, Gillian. Technical devices as a solution to private copying; LEHMANN, Michael. Digitisation and copyright agreements.
"In association with the Queen Mary Intellectual Property Research Institute, Queen Mary & Westfield College, University of London."
"In association with the Queen Mary Intellectual Property Research Institute, Queen Mary & Westfield College, University of London."
Bibliography, etc. Note
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Formatted Contents Note
A technologically neutral solution for the Internet : is it wishful thinking? / Ysolde Gendreau
To what extent are multimedia products databases? / Irini Stamatoudi
The legal classification of multimedia creations in French law / Antoine Latreille
The role of computer of computer software copyright in relation to new media / Stanley Lai
Moral rights in the digital age / Paul Torremans
The United Kingdom's droit de suite / John Adams
The liability of online service providers : recent developments in Europe and the United States / Alain Strowel
Technical devices as a solution to private copying / Gillian Davies
Digitisation and copyright agreements / Michael Lehmann.
To what extent are multimedia products databases? / Irini Stamatoudi
The legal classification of multimedia creations in French law / Antoine Latreille
The role of computer of computer software copyright in relation to new media / Stanley Lai
Moral rights in the digital age / Paul Torremans
The United Kingdom's droit de suite / John Adams
The liability of online service providers : recent developments in Europe and the United States / Alain Strowel
Technical devices as a solution to private copying / Gillian Davies
Digitisation and copyright agreements / Michael Lehmann.
Perspectives On Intellectual Property, Vol 8.
London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2000.
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