@article{12696, recid = {12696}, author = {O'Neil, Maryadele J. and O'Neill, Maryadele J. and Heckelman, Patricia E. and Kock, Cherie B. and Budavari, Susan, and O'Neil, Maryadele J., and Smith, Ann, and Heckleman, Patricia E,}, title = {The Merck index : an encyclopedia of chemicals, drugs, and biologicals.}, pages = {xvi, 1818 pages ;}, note = {Titre de l'éd. de 1889 : Merck's index of fine chemicals and drugs for the materia medica and the arts.}, abstract = {A comprehensive reference work on organic chemistry provides information on thousands of substances and structural formulas.}, url = {http://tind.wipo.int/record/12696}, }