@article{12249, recid = {12249}, author = {Koelman, Kamiel J. and Hugenholtz, Peter Bernt,}, title = {Copyright and electronic commerce : legal aspects of electronic copyright management /}, pages = {v, 307 pages ;}, note = {Contents : HUGENHOLTZ, P Bernt. Copyright and electronic commerce : an introduction; KOELMAN, Kamiel J. Online intermediary liability; BYGRAVE, Lee A and KOELMAN, Kamiel J. Privacy, data protection and copyright : their interaction in the context of electronic copyright management systems; GUIBAULT, Lucie M C R. Contracts and copyright exemptions; KOELMAN, Kamiel J and HELBERGER, Natali. Protection of technological measures; KROON, Annemique M E de. Protection of copyright management information; TROMPENAARS, Bernardine W M. Legal support of online contracts;.}, url = {http://tind.wipo.int/record/12249}, }