@article{11954, note = {PETER DIRK SIEMSEN's Curriculum Vitae; ABNETT, Richard. Software ... and Beyond; ARACAMA ZORRAQUIN, Ernesto. Fighting Trademark Counterfeiting and Product Falsification; BARDEHLE, Heinz. Grace Period - Benefit for Applicants or Risk for Competitors? BARREDA, Jose?. The Madrid Agreement in Relation to Countries in Development; BERKEMEYER, Hugo. Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights Through Precautionary Measures in Paraguay; CRUZ, Jorge. The Evolution of Utility Model Law; CURCHOD, Franc?ois. Is the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property Still Relevant Today? DE GRANDI, Joseph A. Patent Harmonization : The Continuing Argument of the "First to File" versus "First to Invent" Patent Systems; ELZABURU, Alberto de. Recientes Reformas de las Leyes Espan?olas de Patentes y Marcas para su Adecuacio?n al Contexto Internacional y de la Union Europea; FEKETE, Elisabeth Kasznar. Granting Security Interests over Patents and Trademarks in an Effective Way, from the Brazilian Viewpoint; GOMEZ VEGA, Bernardo. The "Domain Names" and "Internet" - Two Interesting Subjects Presently Related to National and International Conflicts Involving Misuse of Web Page Contents and of Intellectual and Industrial Property Rights of Domain Names; JACOBACCI, Guido. Genericisation, Genericide and Genericness of a Trademark; LEONARDOS, Luiz. The Treatment of the Technology Flow Faced with TRIPS and the New Industrial Property Law; LUTZ, Martin J & WILLI, Christoph. Parallel Importation in Switzerland - Time for a Review; PHE?LIP, Bruno. The Community Trademark in the XXI Century; PORZIO, Marino. The Dispute Settlement System in TRIPS : A New Challenge to Intellectual Property; RANGEL-ORTIZ, Horacio. Geographical Indications in TRIPS, NAFTA and other Regional Instruments; RYAN, Desmond J. The Protection of Geographical Indications in Australia; SANTARELLI, Marc. L'Harmonisation des Lois sur les Brevets : Les Raisons d'Etre d'un Traite? - Les Raisons d'un Echec; SCHAPER, Teartse. Champagne - A Few Anecdotes of Law and Language; STRAUS, Joseph. Priority Right and Period of "Grace" - Two Separate Issues under the European Patent Law; VINCENT, Donald. Letter of Congratulations;.}, author = {Siemsen, Peter Dirk, and Dannemann, Gert Egon,}, url = {http://tind.wipo.int/record/11954}, title = {Global perspectives of contemporary intellectual property issues : a collection of works written in commemoration of the seventieth birthday of Peter Dirk Siemsen /}, recid = {11954}, pages = {364 pages :}, }